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Friday, May 26, 2017

"480 Minutes" - Fragile/Volatile

This is a public service announcement (without guitars): it's OK, to a point, to coddle people who may be too fragile or too volatile to hear things they don't want to hear.  It's not always clear where that point will be or if it will even come, but when it comes be ready, especially if they are friends.  Speak up, and if as a result they take their ball and go home, so be it.

This is a public service announcement (without guitars) part 2: when a reporter getting physically assaulted by candidate for office galvanizes support for said criminal bully, it's time to find a new party or admit that you prefer fascism. Yes you, Montana.

This is a public service announcement (with guitars): today the award-winning 480 Minutes show today will contain new songs by CFM (California), Chastity Belt (Seattle, WA, @CHAST1TYBELT), Dion Lunadon (Brookly, NY, @DionLunadon), Dream Machine (Austin, TX), Marika Hackman (London, England, @MarikaHackman), The Mountain Goats (North Carolina, @mountain_goats), (Sandy) Alex G (Philadelphia, PA, @SANDYalexg), Shred Flintstone (NJ), Shy Kids (Guildford, England), The Stevenson Ranch Davidians (Los Angeles, California, @The_Davidians), and Tricot (Kyoto, Japan).

The 480 Minutes program begins at 9 a.m. Eastern U.S. Time and is live-hosted until 5 p.m.
The show is rebroadcast in it's entirety on Friday evenings beginning at 7 p.m., Saturdays at 5 a.m. and 3 p.m., and Sundays at 1 a.m. ET.

Get in touch during the hosted show:
e-mail: ted(at)
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480 Minutes Season 13 Episode 20

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