Friday, June 11, 2021

"480 Minutes" - "Clean Edits" Suck

This week during a House Natural Resources subcommittee hearing sitting member of Congress Louie Gohmert asked The U.S. Forest Service if it could alter the earth or the moon's orbit in an effort to combat climate change. That idiot represents Texas, a state that depends on the revenue produced by the fuels that fuel climate change, making his question less idiotic than some of the many, many lunatic, evidence-free theories he has floated in his many years as a member of Congress because it had an agenda -- to disingenuously distract from a real-world way to fight climate change: decreasing dependence on fossil fuels.

As if we needed further evidence of the venal self-interest that is the rotting core of the Republican Party.

"Who gives a fuck about the planet? We've got all this black gold to sell! It's not just your guns, 'Murkah, the libs are coming for your Hummers, too. We must defend every Americans' right to drive monster trucks that get 5 miles to the gallon. Hell, we must further subsidize this right! Maybe add an amendment to the constitution, right after the one declaring the Failed Blogger guy Best POTUS ever." -Texas Republicans, probably.

Teditorial: Thank god for "clean edits" of songs w/o which the eternal souls of the youth of America would be at risk. They have 24/7 1-click access to all porn ever made but hey, at least their minds won't be poisoned by hearing the words "shit" or "fuck" on the radio. Way to go America!

It's officially summer here in the U.S. which means fewer submissions which means fewer quality submissions, so if you've been working on some tunes in the garage on your own, or with a friend or two, now might be a good time to bust out that dusty old 4-track, recorded the best ones, and submit them for air play consideration.

Today we will debut new music by a band we haven't heard from since the days when many of us foolishly assumed that Dubyah was as low as the GOP could sink -- Thee More Shallows (San Francisco, CA, TheeMoreMusic), plus a few songs we have not yet aired from the new Gel Set, Gruff Rhys, and Los Psychosis records.

Tune in and chat with other members of our music discovery-loving community on Slack during the live-hosted hours. Also, if you'd like to join us for our Saturday Zoom chat (5pm ET), send me an e-mail and I'll add you to the invite list.

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Check out our handy dandy gig-finding tool to find live music near you, within a radius you choose, surfacing performances (IRL and virtual) by artists played on BAGeL Radio:

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e-mail: ted(at)
Twitter: @bagelradio (comments only, no FB messenger, sorry)
chat with fellow listeners:


480 Minutes / Year 17 - Episode 22/744

Drained: A Novel by Marc Daniel Acriche

1 comment:

  1. If you use a Google Home device to listen to SomaFM, and lately it's been redirecting you from our streams to ad-filled YouTube playlists, please report it as a bug to Google:

    Thank you!
