Saturday, September 04, 2021

Flood Update

Thanks to everyone who reach out with flood relief of all kinds from supportive words to dropping a dime in the Dripsy Jar to making me laugh -- I haven't been able to respond to anyone, but I want you to know your kindness and cheer have helped greatly during this overwhelming, unprecedented-for-these-parts disaster.

Things are moving along thanks in large part to my brother and best friend making their way to Queens today to lend a hand. Both went so far as to lend both of their hands and were extremely helpful. Another bright spot is that the totaled car has been towed and a loaner vehicle has been secured.

Every part of me hurts from all of the lifting boxes and loading bags and packing up and carrying salvageables and dragging and moving damaged furniture and sweeping water and pushing the totaled car to where the tow truck could navigate and of course my favorite: cardboard boxes disintegrating in my hands leaving me with arms full of wet contents. The amount of ruined stuff has surpassed my worst-case projections and I remain concerned about how long cleanup is going to take since so many in Queens were affected making much-needed services including but not limited to trash removal, towing (I know a guy/got lucky), and mold mitigation -- very hard to find at the moment. If you know a guy hook a DJ up, wouldja? Thanks.

Hopefully FEMA will step up with aid for those affected.

There remains much to do before I can think about live broadcasting again, much less listening to submissions to prepare a show. I have been thinking about ways to set up a temporary broadcast studio and I am hopeful that we may miss only one more 480M and one Fuzzy Road radio show. 

Fingers crossed, and thanks again.

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