Friday, December 17, 2021

"480 Minutes" - BAGeL Radio Top Music of 2021

Today's show is all about 2021 -- tune in to BAGeL Radio today to hear our top songs of 2021 -- today's playlist will be 2021 music all day (with a few songs released in 2020 which we missed or which arrived too late in 2020 for last year's lists).

Creating year-end lists is not an exact science, and this year we had to cobble together spin and listener count data from multiple sources making our starting point numbers even less exact. As always some things will not get the love they deserve and some things will unfairly fall through the cracks entirely. For this we apologize in advance.

The year-end top music show is always a lot of fun, and with the full-on BAGeL Bingo game for you to play along with, it is sure to be a blast. If you haven't downloaded your bingo card yet, hie thee over to:

Download the card, fill it out with the names of the 24 songs (and corresponding artists) you expect to be in our top 50 countdown, then check them off as we go. If you want to be considered for the grand prize (bragging rights) you must submit your completed card via e-mail by 10 a.m. ET Friday 12/17/21 (yes, I've extended the deadline by 10 hours due to people being lazy popular demand. I know, I'm a softie).

The top songs of the year countdown will begin with song #50 at 11 a.m. Eastern U.S. Time. We should reach the top 10 at around 1:45 p.m. and finish up around 2:15 p.m. The rest of the show will consist of our 150 or so other favorite songs of the year including some of our favorite 2021 cover versions sprinkled throughout.

For the year-end best-of edition of 480 Minutes the show is extended to 12-hours. That means that the rebroadcasts will begin 2 hours later than usual and start up again every 12 hours on the 9s over the weekend.

Catch up on 2021 in one day! The show is full of holiday gift ideas (hint: music!) so keep a list and check it twice (that's what reruns are for!).

The show is live-hosted from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Eastern U.S. Time, followed by 4 hours of uninterrupted music to accommodate as many excellent 2021 songs as we can.

Lists of our top songs and top albums will be published to, the blog, and our some point.  Feel free to leave your lists in the comments, or e-mail them to Our past top music lists can be viewed at and the 2021 lists will be added to those...again, at some point.

Please consider donating to the station to help keep BAGeL Radio on the air and commercial free -- your generous support enables us to continue doing what we (and apparently a whole lot of you) love!

We will soon have a BAGeL Radio online store featuring brand new BAGeL Radio-branded merchandise. The store will likely go live just after y'all run out of money due to buying holiday gifts for loved ones, doormen, mail carriers, hair dressers, secret lovers, pets, etc.

The show will be rebroadcast tonight (Friday) starting at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time, twice on Saturday 12/18 (9 a.m. and 9 p.m.) and twice on Sunday 12/19 (9 a.m. and 9 p.m.).

Import our program schedule into your favorite calendar program so you never miss a live-hosted show or rerun. Added bonus: the start times will be converted to your time zone!

Tune in using our new web player at, and of course BAGeL Radio is available on many set top boxes and home audio systems as well as by voice command on phones, tablets, smart speakers, home theatre systems, and select sous vide machines. If you need help getting set up let us know, we're happy to help.

Contact the DJ during the live-hosted show hours:


Twitter: @bagelradio (comments only, no FB messenger, sorry)

chat with other listeners:

480 Minutes Season 17 Episode 45/767 overall

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