Friday, December 03, 2021

"480 Minutes" - Ticket Giveaway

8 hours of live-hosted indie rock noise pop AND a ticket giveaway? Sign me up!

Today we are back with an all new episode of 480 Minutes featuring our first ticket giveaway in some time. We did these all the time when we were based in San Francisco, less so since relocating to NYC, and not at all since The Before Times. Tune in during the live-hosted hours (9am-5pm ET) and when you hear a Yo Kinky song be the first to get in touch via Slack or e-mail (contact info below) for a chance to win tickets to see Yo Kinky perform at The Mercury lounge on 12/15/21.

You can also buy tickets at

With our annual Beatles Cleanse™complete, we have entered the sifting back through all of the new songs we aired on the station in 2021 to start ranking the top songs and albums of the year phase. We take into account objective data including how many times songs/albums were played, how many people were listening when they were played, and top all of the data off with our own secret sauce of subjectivity. This year we have the added challenges of a somewhat abbreviated Beatles Cleanse™ plus not having a complete data set as BAGeL Radio transitions from being part of the SomaFM collective to being its own thing again. 

We reveal the results of the process during our year-end top music show which will be live-hosted two weeks from today: Friday, December 17th, 2021...and there will be bingo! Here's a sample card from last year:

Blank 2021 cards will be available for download at next Friday, December 10th, 2021, and to be considered an official entries will need to be received no later than 11:59pm ET on Thursday December 16th.

A few updates with regard to the transition -- an Android app is in the works, a Roku app will follow the release of that one, and eventually someday maybe an iOS app, too. I am an Apple user so I want it to happen but Apple doesn't make it easy and right now there's too much to do to tackle unnecessarily difficult tasks that are not mission-critical.

The good news is TuneIn and several other radio aggregator apps are now displaying BAGeL Radio metadata so there are more ways to listen with track info than there were last week. You can always visit to view that info regardless of what device you use to listen.

We still need someone with an Apple developer account to get that iOS app placed in the App Store and I could really use someone with good web design skills to help with the new BAGeL Radio site. Extra credit if you can provide a portfolio of sites you have designed, and double super secret credit if you have experience using Squarespace to build sites.

There is also all-new BAGeL Radio merch in the pipeline including t-shirts (men's and women's), hoodlies, coffee mugs, hats, g-strings, and more. I am expecting my first samples any day now.

No new music to debut today as we've reached that post-Thanksgiving reflective period of the year.  

Tune in and chat with other members of our music discovery-crazed community on Slack during the live-hosted hours.

Keep current on all things BAGeL by subscribing to our new mailing list:

Keep track of BAGeL Radio's live-hosted shows and re-runs with our handy dandy program schedule, which you can import into your favorite digital calendar:

Check out our handy dandy gig-finding tool to find live music near you, within a radius you choose, surfacing performances (IRL and virtual) by artists played on BAGeL Radio:

Contact the DJ during the live-hosted show hours (9am-5pm ET):
Twitter: @bagelradio (comments only, no FB messenger, sorry)
chat with fellow listeners:

480 Minutes / Year 17 - Episode 43/765

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