Friday, December 31, 2021

BAGeLs For Baby Baphomet..errr...I mean...New Year!

It's New Year's Eve, people! Don't go out! There is a highly contagious airborne virus floating around out there spreading so fast that one Ohio hospital this week reported that 54.7% of their patients they tested for COVID tested positive. It's bonkers. Sure, Omicron seems to pack less of a symptom punch than previous mutations, and those who are vaccinated are relatively safe from severe disease if infected, but they will still be facilitators to the spread.

Like Xmas Eve last week, today and this weekend will be reruns, reruns, and more reruns starting on the 9s (9am, 9pm x 3). We have a few previous Year-End Top Music episodes queued up for you, including the 2021* show for those who missed it!  Same will be true next Friday, aka New Year’s Eve. Enjoy!

Happy holidays, y’all, and best wishes for a happy and healthy new year to you and yours.

Weekend Rerun Schedule:

Friday 12/31/21

9 a.m. - Best of 2018

9 p.m. - Best of 2014

Saturday 1/1/22

9 a.m. - Best of 2010

9 p.m. - Best of 2011

Sunday 1/2/22

9 a.m. - Best of 2012

9 p.m. - Best of 2013

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