Friday, January 07, 2022

“480 Minutes” - Twenny Twenny Two

It’s twenny twenny two — do you know where representative democracy is? Why, it’s circling the drain, y’all, across the globe & right here in the U.S. of A. American democracy continued to backslide for the 5th straight year with more & more Americans believing more & more absurdities making them more & more easily manipulated into committing atrocities (h/t

In more pleasant news, BAGeL Radio is now available on even more devices and our new website is beginning to look less like it was slapped together by a dull age 4 child. See for yourself at I realize that many of you are reading this there, but contemporaneously at least more of you are reading this via the old blog which I can’t seem to quit. My severely lacking design skills seem to fare better on the site than on the ancient blog, would you agree?

Getting down to the business of live-hosted internet radio, today is the first new episode of 480 Minutes of 2022. (Speaking of 2022, today I wrote the date including year by hand on a piece of paper — hold your applause, please, I’m not finished yet — and got…it…right!). OK, go ahead, you can cheer now. Today’s show will feature new music by Deap Vally (Los Angeles, CA, @DeapVally), Dmitry Wild (New York, NY, @DmitryWild), Inca Babies (Manchester, England, @IncaBabiesUK), Low Life (Sydney, Australia, @LowLifeSyd), Sprints (Dublin, Ireland, @SprintsMusic), Strange Colours (Chicago, IL), Wet Leg (Isle of Wight, England, @WetLegBand), & The Coathangers (Atlanta, GA, @TheCoathangers) covering Blondie (New York, NY, @BlondieOfficial).

A few updates with regard to BAGeL Radio’s transition from being part of the wonderful SomaFM to being an island unto itself we have a free Android app in the Google Play store with both an iOS & MacOS app to follow and, perhaps even an AppleTV app. In the meantime, iPhonies who use CarPlay can ask Siri to “play bagel radio on tune in [or whichever aggregator app you use]” and not only will the music begin, song info will display on your dashboard screen!

A standalone playlist history page is also in the works.

All-new BAGeL Radio merch is almost ready including t-shirts (men's and women's), hoodies, coffee mugs, back packs, sports bras, & more.

Tune in and chat with other members of our music discovery-obsessed community on Slack during the live-hosted hours.

Please subscribe to the (severely under-utilized thusfar) mailing list:

Keep track of BAGeL Radio's live-hosted shows and re-runs with our handy dandy program schedule, which you can import into your favorite digital calendar.

Although I am not recommending going to indoor live music gigs at this time while Omicron & The Variants are opening shows in venues across the globe, for future reference do check out the amazing gig-finding tool longtime listener Sergio made to help us all find live music events featuring artists played on BAGeL Radio.

Contact the DJ during the live-hosted show hours (Fridays 9am-5pm ET):
Twitter: @bagelradio (comments only, no FB messenger, sorry)
chat with fellow listeners:


480 Minutes / Year 18 - Episode 1/768

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