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Friday, February 27, 2015

"480 Minutes" Of Tunes And Talk (But Mainly Tunes)

You know those weeks when you decide to inflict pain on yourself by tuning in to FOX News for a few minutes here, an hour there, and then by the end of the week you (a) are feel dirty for having listened to all of the lies and misinformation and hate you were fed, (b) are terrified that people actually believe the nonsense, even stuff like Obama hates America and we are going to lose the crusade formerly known as the Global War on Terror if the President refuses to say the words, "Islamic extremism," and, ultimately (c) feel good and ready to take on the crazy that your Wing Nut relatives will bring to Sunday brunch now that you are intimately aware of the source of their misinformation?  You don't?  Well, you are probably wise.  Your humble narrator, on the other hand, is not so wise: since the 1990s, I have been comparing the way FOX spins everything through their fantastically narrow, frightened worldview.  I must say that even though FOX25 in Boston was shockingly unfair and unbalanced to the ears of this then recent journalism school graduate, it's got nothing on FOX News.

Anyway, I've had enough lies and distortions and hate and for one week, so I'm going to try stick to just music for a while.

Today on 480 Minutes we will debut new music by Beach Baby (London, England, @BeachBabyMusic), Captain Baby (New York, NY, @sunsetalliance), Gal Pals (Austin, TX, @GalsPalsBand), Jacco Gardner (Hoorn, Netherlands, @JaccoGardner),  Keith Meade (Charleston, SC), Moon Duo (San Francisco, CA, @MoonDuo), of Montreal (Athens, GA, @xxofMontrealxx),  Screaming Females (New Brunswick, NJ, @Screamales), Spökracket (Aarhus, Denmark), Summer Cannibals, Portland, OR, @SCannibalsBand),  Sunflower Bean (Brooklyn, NY, @Sunflower_Bean), Tei Shi (Brooklyn, NY via Vancouver, Canada and Bogotá, Colombia, @TeiShi), Tomboy (New York, NY), and Wolf Colony (New York, NY, @WolfColonyMusic).

Tune in to BAGeL Radio on Fridays from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Eastern U.S. Time for the award-winning, live-hosted 480 Minutes program.  The show is rebroadcast Friday evenings at 7 p.m., Saturdays 5 a.m. and 3 p.m., plus Sundays at 1 a.m. ET.
Get in contact during the hosted show:
e-mail: ted(at)
Yahoo IM/GoogleTalk: bagelradio
AOL/iChat: bagelradiolive (not FB chat)
Twitter: @bagelradio


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