Not particularly helpful to this endeavor I found myself battling on 3 fronts on The Facebooks: against all #neverHillary people who would (inadvertently) help the racist, sexist vulgarian with the temperament of a 6-year old rise to the bully pulpit; against many HRC supporters who are so incredibly condescending that they are effectively keeping many #neverHillary from coming around to vote for Drumpf's only viable rival; and, of course, the Drumpfacists who insist "he is not a bigot" despite so much evidence to the contrary that even the party of the Southern Strategy is calling him out on it. Again.
Since I was up until after 4 a.m. working on today's show, chances are I will not have the intellectual capacity to discuss these things, so just tune in for the tunes this week. The likelihood of even a single political rant is scant.
Tune in to BAGeL Radio on Fridays from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Eastern U.S. Time for the live-hosted, award-winning 480 Minutes program. The show highlights our newest playlist additions and is rebroadcast Friday evenings beginning at 7 p.m., Saturdays at 5 a.m. and 3 p.m., and Sundays at 1 a.m. ET.
Today's show will include new tunes by Amber Arcades (The Netherlands, @AmberArcades), Avers (Richmond, VA, @AversRVA), Diarrhea Planet (Nashville, TN, @DiarrheaPlanet), Elvis Depressedly (Asheville, NC, @ComaCinema), Oddity (Chicago, IL, @odditytheband), Pyschic Ills (New York, NY, @psychicills), Shannon And The Clams (Oakland, CA), Steve Gunn (Brooklyn, NY, @SteveGunnMusic), Teen Body (Brooklyn, NY, @teenbodymusic), Young Rival (Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, @youngrival), and Vision (Los Angeles, CA).
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e-mail: ted(at)
Twitter: @bagelradio
Yahoo IM/GoogleTalk: bagelradio
AOL/iChat: bagelradiolive
Get in touch during the hosted show:
e-mail: ted(at)
Twitter: @bagelradio
Yahoo IM/GoogleTalk: bagelradio
AOL/iChat: bagelradiolive
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